Open Azure blobs search on and other updates

2 min readNov 22, 2020


We are — a group of individuals working on displaying various ways that common information security practices fail. Our first — and only so far — released project has been open s3 buckets search described here. We have received many feature requests and after 2 and a half years we have implemented them all!

Although we are working on many projects, non of them is quite production ready yet. So wanting to release something, we have decided to add Open Azure blobs in our platform which was roughly prepared some time ago. We have added the final touches and we are happy to announce that it is released!

As of now, we have 17552 open Azure blobs and over 300 Million files. The format of the azure blobs is a little bit different. Each Azure Blob consists of an account name and a container name in the in the form of https://{accountName}{containerName}. However we have merge it in such a way so that the inclusion of Azure Blobs will be seamless with the existing functionality of the website with minimal changes. Also we will regularly update the contents of Azure Blobs and add new ones — just like s3 buckets.

In other news we have added the Last Modified information for each file and you can now sort your results with Modified Time:

Also we have rescanned all the open s3 buckets and we have added ~25000 more. We now have 318 000 buckets and over 4 Billion files to for you to search.

You can check out the new version here:

In the immediate future we are going to release Google Cloud storage buckets and we are going to release a new and interesting tool that allows pentesters to scan for a very common and rarely known or exploited vulnerability

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